Progress Report...

I know, from the appearance of my blog you would think that I had given up on my weight loss journey but, alas, it isn't so! I am still sluffing it off, just a bit slower these days.

I would love to blame the fact that I am hovering around 60 pounds lost on having hit a plateau but that would require me to actually have been diligent in my efforts and frankly.... I can't claim that!

After all the excitement of having won the Biggest TranFORMation Contest in December followed by the holidays, then the relief of the holidays being over, then the stress of getting ready for the TJEd Forum... and one thing after another I just haven't been as focussed as I could have been.

To help me kick my butt back into things, my FIT&FAB O3 Team of friends started a club that meets on a monthly basis. We call it the We're Losin' It! Club. At our weigh in each month we record our weight's and measurements, swap tips, struggles and clothes we've grow out of! We sample FIXX shakes, FILL bars and dark chocolate fondue from ForeverGreen. We laugh, we encourage and we get motivated! It has been really fun so far.

Everyone puts in $10 each month and whoever loses the highest % of weight and/or most inches wins a share of the pool! Our first month's winner, Halene D. , bought concert tickets for her and her granddaughters with her prize money! One of last month's winners, Tiffany K., is saving the money for a shopping spree after she loses another 25 and wins some more money!

I am taking my son to Disneyland on a Mommy/Son vacation the first week of May and I am going to win this month so I can add the money to our ticketets!! Watch me!

I will keep you posted!

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