Day 24 & 25 - Killing my buzz!

Inevitably, anytime you are ecstatically happy and feeling things couldn't be better, there is that one or two people in your life that just have to kill your buzz! I am writing this not as a complaint or reprimand but as a warning to everyone who is going to start on a journey like mine. DON'T let anyone take you down mentally!

I haven't really gotten too much guff about what I am doing but, I have gotten enough this week to kind of stagger me for a few days. When I let a negative attitude and comment penetrate my mind, it kind of festered and I lost my enthusiasm. I didn't journal for a few days and found it harder to stick to my resolve. I have now kind of shook myself out of it and decided that anyone who is hell bent on killing my buzz--- I can simply take a break from! I have never felt more hopeful about the future then I do now. I haven't felt this healthy in 15 years -- why should I let a buzz-killer sabotage the progress I am making. I am going to surround myself with the positive energy and support of those who want me to succeed and aren't threatened by others successes---and everyone else can just BUZZ OFF!


Anonymous said...

Good attitiude Annette!! I am just a casual reader of your blog, but I am completley impressed by what I have read so far. Aditionally I just did a weight loss therapy that many people maligned as a "fad" etc. BUT IT WORKED!! So stay positive.
I enjoy reading about your progress, it is informational and entertaining!

G&G Martin said...

I am proud of you, You Go Girl.
Love ya, Mom