Day 15 - I have officially broken my diet record!

My skeptical yet hopeful self that started this journey 3 weeks ago set my first goal pretty low. I wanted to at least beat my previous dieting record of lasting 2 weeks and losing 8 pounds and today I have officially beaten it! I am at 2 weeks and 1 day and I have lost 11 pounds-- and I don't feel like stopping at all! (find a happy place while I happy dance...your not going to want to see this!)

Day 15- Monday, July 21, 2008

8:30 am - Walked a mile
9:00 am - Drank a FIXX

11:30 am - Took a FORM with 8 oz. of water
12:15 am - Ate a salad of mixed baby greens, cheese, onions, tomatos, sunflower seeds, & ranch. Drank 8 oz. of Crystal Light Lemonade

2:30 pm - Drank 20 oz. water bottle

4:00 pm - Ate 1/3 of my son's soft pretzel and drank a few sips of a Diet Coke

5:30 pm - Took FORM with 8 oz. of water
6:00 pm - Ate 1/2 a grilled cheese sandwich (as opposed to eating one and splitting a 2nd with my husband like normal) with a side salad. Drank 16 oz. of lemonade.

9:30 pm - Took FORM with 8 oz. of water
10:00 pm - Ate one spoonful of vanilla ice cream while making ice cream & fudge cupcakes for my kids to decorate tomorrow (a recipe my kids found and asked if we could make sometime).

Daily Recap---
I have decided that my objectives are pretty set in my head at this point and are starting to feel habitual which is great! The recap of them each day is beginning to feel redundant-- so I am going to only do a weekly recap of objectives to reflect on my week's progress.

Instead of my daily recap I think I will end with a daily high-- tell the high point of my day to help me stay up beat and positive. Hopefully this will be inspiring to anyone reading this and help us all out when we hit low points! So....

TODAY's HIGH... My mile walk -- it really gave me a burst of energy today and I felt really productive!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Congrats!! I look forward to reading your blog each day, because although I am not on the same journey as you, I enjoy feeling of your enthusiasm and positive energy. We should all end each day on a high note--and I loved yours from today. As soon as I saw that you had walked a mile at 8:30 a.m. I was jealous of how productive you were so early in the morning. I really struggle with getting going quickly in the morning so that I can make the most of my days. Anyway...I'm rambling. Good job on breaking your record.